As you know, the TACO club stands for The Totally Awesome Cool Outstanding-people Club. Cool-right? Well-that's because it's for totally awesome cool people. What we do in this club:
1:) Talk about important stuff like what color should I paint my nails. Fascinating-right? I'm guessing not really. But we do talk about what sites are cool, what games are fun, the best and worst books and movies..... and well-just talk.
2:) This only applies to HOGWARTS LIVE TACO CLUB MEMBERS: We have chat parties when Lauren(she's the other leader of the club) and I are bored and have nothing to do. Kapish? So don't ask for them...or ask if you want-I really don't care.
3:) Have trivia and quiz events! These are really fun. The winner gets a special position/title in the TACO club.
4:) And talking about winning-we have contests! Contests like who can name the most countries in a minute. Winner of these contests gets a special title also (like-what else are we gonna give people in this club. I'm too lazy to do stuff like, "the winner gets a special TACO club t-shirts,". If you have any ideas for this problem, comment.)
5:) POSITIONS(people listed in positions are their hogwarts live username)
Masters-HoneyGoddess, Lauren, AnnzyFranzy, JamesPotter,
TACO Teachers/Mentors-SilverRose, Tyra
Quidditch Lord-JamesPotter (I'm sure he'll say yes once I ask...)
Event Planners-Lauren, HoneyGoddess
Quiz Genie- blackcat
Info Seeker(yes, it's a stupid title but whatevs)-
Music Sage(another stupid title..)-Angel
TACO shop owners(owl me what type of shop)-HermioneLilyWeasley(I'm not really sure what kind of shop she has...)
Apprentices-a lot that I don't want to list but I respect you members out there!
Other...:) Some of this only applies to Hogwarts Live TACO CLUB MEMBERS:
---- Other things you could get from contests is:
~ money transfered to your gringott's bank account
~ a new pet
---- One of the members of this club is my friend. I'm sure you know her: introducing....SilverRose!
She has an academy called the SilverRose Academy for Magic (I think that's what it's called...) and you
should really join it. I mean just think of it's name. Doesn't it sound awesome?
--- The other leaders are Lauren, AnnzyFranzy and JamesPotter (again-these are their Hogwarts Live names). So I feel that you should know about them. They ARE important. I'm not gonna say anything bad about them. Fellow TACO club members don't betray each others trust.
JamesPotter: Funny, cool, great think-on-the-spot guy. He's my dad on HL. And he's very nice.
Lauren: Awesomely awesome, creative, great-overall-just-nice gall. She's a good friend of mine on HL.
AnnzyFranzy: She is pretty cool and her pet raven is named Alexander Apollo. I mean-like how awesome is that name? Annzy is a great I'm-just-plain-cool gall.
--- Our club motto is: Join us if you like us ;)
This motto was made by Lauren. See? I told you she was creative.
Hmmmmm. Is there anything else you should know about the club? Well I guess there IS one more thing.
Be Cool, Be Awesome, Be Outstanding and just have fun!
p.s. I suggest that you should be a member of Hogwarts Live to join this club... that way you have more fun. And if you don't like Harry Potter well then you just wasted your time reading this whole post. =P
p.p.s. If you follow me I know you're a member
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